Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Taking Ownership

Sunday was the big day - we officially became horse owners.

All I can say is thank goodness Erica knows what she is doing, because the rest of us really have no idea what we've gotten ourselves into.

We board Caesar at a barn a mile away from his previous owners' location, and the previous owners have been so helpful and will continue to work with us and Caesar.

We're getting Caesar ready -
We watched Bonnie administer de-worming paste and we're glad we didn't have to!

Eyeing Me

Caesar received a haircut - his mane is really scraggly and looks better completely shaved off. Once that was done, he was ready to be transported:
Girl and Her Horse

Bonnie and Matt loaded him up in their trailer and drove the short mile to the new stable. Caesar took a walk around the new arena, his new stall and he settled right in.

The next day, we went over to visit:
A Little Sniff

Caesar seems happy and so does Erica.
New Family Member


puna 9:58 PM  

He's so adorable! She looks so much in love. Good job mom!

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