Friday, November 06, 2009

312/365 - Pond without a Pump

Our little backyard fish pond has been pumpless for over a month now. Our last pump stopped working back in September, a minor annoyance, because the the circulating water oxygenates the water for the fish. The last time this happened, in 2007, we lost all of our Koi. The gold fish are much hardier and don't really need much oxygen, as only a couple have die over the past 6 weeks.

I have a replacement pump, but the pond piping requires some "modifications". I still don't have it figured out, and I've been playing phone tag with the pond people. I'm thinking about paying them to come and make the changes to get things going again. I miss the gentle sound of flowing water from the waterfall.

The iris plants don't really care either, sticking out of the water.
Pond Spikes


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